Manual vs. Electric Toothbrushes

Manual vs. Electric Toothbrushes

Manual vs. Electric Toothbrushes

Today it's easy to see that electric toothbrushes are more popular than ever. Healthcare aisles are full of different models and commercials on TV promise cleaner teeth if you use an electric toothbrush. However, many patients still wonder if electric toothbrushes are worth the investment. The answer is in some cases yes, but like any tool, the key is how you use it not if it is powered or not.


Regardless of whether you're using an electric or manual toothbrush, good dental health starts with good brushing habits. You need to use the toothbrush to clean all areas of your teeth and gums, and simply turning on an electric toothbrush, moving it around and assuming it's taking care of the work for you won't net the best results. You still need to cover all areas with an electric toothbrush just like a manual including the gums, back molars, and all other surfaces. This important to keep in mind no matter what type of brush you are using.

Electric Toothbrush Pros And Cons

Electric toothbrushes do have a lot to offer when compared to manual brushes. If you're physically unable to brush effectively with a manual toothbrush, then the electric variety can make a big difference for those who are getting older, have arthritis, or cannot move their arms very well. Rotating bristles have the potential to clean much more completely when used correctly, and electric toothbrushes can provide a thorough clean faster than manual brushes. Finally, more expensive electric toothbrushes with bristles that rotate in both directions can provide the best cleaning ability of any brush on the market.

There are some drawbacks to be aware of before rushing out to get an electric toothbrush. First, they are much more expensive than a manual brush, and some people simply cannot afford to purchase them for an entire family. Electric brushes have a lot of power, but that power can actually be harmful for your teeth if too much pressure is applied while using the brush. People with sensitive teeth or people who are sensitive to vibrations may find electric toothbrushes hard to use. Finally, electric toothbrushes are bulky and they can be a pain to take with you when you travel. 

Manual Toothbrush Pros And Cons

While the electric toothbrush presents a lot of advantages for some, manual toothbrushes remain the best choice for certain users. Manual brushes can still do a great job of cleaning as long as they are replaced periodically, and they are inexpensive and easily obtainable on anyone's budget. There is less danger of applying too much pressure when you use a manual brush, and there's no risk of vibrations causing discomfort in the user. Finally, it's important that every child begin brushing with a manual brush, as it will teach them good brushing habits from the start.

Final Determination

It's really up to you whether an electric brush is right for your needs, but remember that a manual brush always has a place in your dental health routine, whether you use it every day or just on certain occasions like when you're traveling. If you do decide to purchase an electric toothbrush, it is better to skip the cheapest varieties and instead get a decent one with features that help clean your teeth properly.

Whatever you decide, don't forget to keep up those good brushing habits. If you still have questions on what toothbrush is right for you, schedule an appointment at Grace & Leedy and we'd be happy to answer all your questions during your cleaning and checkup. 


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